Thursday, August 20, 2009


This was an amazing day! We went to different grocery stores to describe the differences and comapare the prices, the customers and the physical appearance.

Let's start with the Pipkens store, that sells local organic food, especially fruits and vegetables. The fruits and the vegetabels smell intensivly and they looked fresh and ripe. The physical appearance was very familiar and so were the staff members. They told us that Pipkens has existed for 11 years and that this store is very popular all over the town and country, because it is unusual for Americans to buy organic food, in an extra store and not in the grocery stores. And this is unfamiliar for Germans, because nearly every town has a market with local food and a lot of stores.
As I expected it, the prices are higher, but it's worth the money. The costumers are people who want to eat healty food and custumers who wanted to have the best food. All in all the socio-economic status is upper class.
The Pipkens store didn't have much classic marketing, still it is very popular. The staff member told us, that the most effectivly advertising for Pipkens was and is word-of-mouth.

Our second store was an export and import store that is called Jungle Jim. It was so big, nobody in Germany can imagine. It's even a unique store in the United States. There is a great variety of different food all over the world. Fruits, vegetables, food I never have heard or seen before, but sometimes it was a little bit disgusting, for example as our guide showed us the skinned head of a cow, a sheep and a pig.
The prices at Jungle Jim were different. Products from America were most of time cheaper, products from Europe or Africa were more expensive. A bottle of "Erdinger Weissbier", my favourite beer, costs nearly three dollars. And Irish butter cost more than four dollars. This was very expensive, in my opinion.
The physical appearance was like a big market hall and therefore not familiar. The focus of Jungle Jim is the great variety of food from all over the world and for serval ethnic groups. Therefore the costumers belong to ethnic groups and the middle and the upper socialclasses.

I think, that it is important for your social-economic status in which store you buy your food. If you want to be member of the upper classes, you have to buy at Pipkens, and you show that's important for you to know where your food comes from and that it is 'produced' without pesticides and that you care for your country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    You have done a very good and thorough description. I like how you included a sensory description as well (smell, feel, etc.) Do you think that customers who may not be able to shop at Pipkins can also choose good, healthy food and care for their country in this way, or is this reserved for the upper classes?

    See you next week,
