Monday, August 31, 2009

Religion in America

Religion in America is a different and more difficult topic as in Germany. On Sunday we visited the Crossroad Church in Cincinnati and today a mosque.

The Crossroad Church is a Baptist Church and the majority of Americans belong to that one. The bulding and the service there is completly different that in a traditional churche. The building is hugh and modern, and the auditorium has seats for nearly 4000 people. There are no crosses, no bibles, no sacraments, no traditional prayers and songs. The prayers in the service are done through their songs, which are very powerful, rhythmical and emotional. The music and the priest speech is supported by movies and pictures from hugh screens.
Cossroads try to reach their people by being open, untraditional and helpful, and that makes it interesting for younger people who do not want to hear biblestories and interpret them. They can reach people who want to change the world active, help other people back into life and give poor people and children a few beautyful moments.
Religious experience means at Crossroad to continue the work and the idea of Jesus, by action and by proselytize, even when they don't say it so open.

On the other side we see the traditional Islam

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