Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today we went to the Ohio University in Columbus, which is the capital of the state Ohio. We saw an exibition about the fall of the Berlin wall and another exhibition about the changes of Berlin houses within 10 years.

There was nothing new to learn about the fall of the Berlin wall, because the exhibition was very small and their were only photos but no or less explanations.

The exhibition of the fall of the Berlin wall is from a German class, so it is a German perspective. Some photos were extraordinaiy, some I didn't understand, but the main part of the exhibition was nothing special.
The comparision between the houses after the fall of the Berlin wall in 1992/1993 to 2002/2003 was more interesting, but not extraordinary, and their was no new perspective.

I think that the fall of the Berlin wall was and is a sign that nothing is forever, even when there is totalism and fear. As we could see after the election in Afghanistan people don't like to be foolished and betrayed. Even if they haven't been sucessfull until now they could have been inspired by the fall of the Berlin wall and the power of people.

For me it is important to keep history alive through maintenance and reconstruction, because faults from the past could as prevent from the same faults in the future, but we have to know them and be aware of them.

I'm from the western part of Germany and study since two years in the East part. Unfortunatly there are still boarders in the minds of people and a lot of prejudices. Even younger people in my age think that eastgermans are strange and maybe stupid. For them it's more a feeling, but when you ask them why they have prejudices they don't know any reason.

When you visit Berlin, there is nearly nothing left from the fall of Berlin. Everything is modern, wealthy, and openmind. But as we know, there are still prujudices in the mind of people, and I think it is the task of my generation, from people, who come from the West and live in the East, to reduce these prejudices.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elisabeth,

    I appreciate your comments about prejudice - often this is what is left over after physical remnants of conflict. Do you think the average American would appreciate this exhibit?
