Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yesterday we went to the famous Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland.

In comparison to the railway underground museum, the Hall of Fame and the Museum were not so impressive. For me it was a real museum with old cloth, guitars, history etc., but no shrine. They tried to use as much media as possible, for example, with movies, computers, and music. The famous songs in the background should create a feeling of being part of this time.
I think for a person who is interested in music and the musicians, this museum would be a perfect place. For people like me, who have no greater knowledge and interest in musicians, and who listen to music because they like to hear it, this museum was no so impressive and extraordinary.

In the museum were different display cabinets, and on their side were huge display boards which shown the history of this period. In the display cabinets were different cloth, guitars, records, and other things from musicians from this period. They tried make the history more real by showing this important things from a period.

I think that the museum wanted to show how the American culture influenced the different kinds of periods and different kinds of style, for example, the influence from the Afro-Americans in the 50-thies. Music is an important part of the American culture because the musicians are heroes and examples.

It's a little bit like the story of the "American dream", to have a dream himself, and then to make the dream come true. For a lot of Americans, musicians are an example, an ideal, someone who made his or her dream come true, even when they behave strange, or take drugs. They are heroes for normal people because they can fascinate thousands of people, while a normal man has problems to fascinate, and to speak in front of five people. On the other hand musicians are an example especially for teenager who often imitate their behavior.


  1. I like your analogy of the "American dream". We often say that people who succeed in life (or become famous) have followed their dream. Do you think that famous musicians have a responsibility to their audience (especially young people) in their behaviour?

  2. Yes Jody, I think they have an responsability for their audience, especially young people. Teenagers seach for examples, and persons who give them an orientation in their life and "support" them with their music while they have problems and difficulties.
